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The Dominican Republic Christian
Vocational Training Program

"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along" - Gal 2:10


The Vision

In March of 2023, God brought two men together who lived 1,425 miles apart and had never met each other.  These men shared a dream, which no doubt was planted in their minds by the Holy Spirit.  Their common vision was to start a Christian vocational training program.  However, Ruddy lived in the Dominican Republic while Ken lived in the United States.  They were two men with completely different lives, but similar vision.

Ken and Ruddy.jpg

The Situation

The people of Cienfuegos are perhaps some of the poorest people of the Dominican Republic (DR).  Most live in rented structures that are on land that they do not own.  In fact, many are squatters.  Many do not have running water or electric, and most earn far below the national average of approximately $8,100 USD per year.  These people are trapped in a cycle of poverty with no opportunity to escape . . . . until now . . . 

The Solution

Cornerstone Christian Center of Dunedin, FL has partnered with Ruddy Rodriquez and his amazing team of Christian leaders, Christian educators, and tradesmen/women in the DR to establish The Christian Vocational Training Program of the Dominican Republic.  The program admits adult men and women, of all ages, into a pathway that leads them to learning a trade, which they can use to support themselves and their families.  The program is divided into three phases.

Phase I          Phase II          Phase III          Graduates          Donations

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Ruddy Rodriquez giving these new students the "rundown" on how the program will work.

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